Take a penny; leave a penny

A day of celebrating the power of circulation.

Tomorrow is the Take A Penny, Leave A Penny Day, and that’s an idea that has always tickled me. Having a small dish of pennies at the checkout register is a beloved retail tradition for as long as I can remember and I think it’s a fun idea. If you’re just a few cents shy, tap into the good karma that is the Give a Penny, Take a Penny—that lucky stash of loose change left there by people who were there before you. Got a little to spare? Pay it forward by adding your extra coins to the pot.

What if we applied that delightful practice to business advice? Like a “Take a Protip, Leave a Protip” campaign amongst our peers? What a fun idea! I love the thought of leaders circulating best practices and peer-to-peer support. “Knowledge pennies”, if you will.

I’ll throw in the first penny, y’all.

| Advice |

Don’t overdirect. Your team, your life, your own thoughts. It’s not the control you think it is. When you pull too tightly on the reins, you’ll never sustain or retain forward momentum.

Did you need that knowledge penny? I hope so. Got a knowledge penny to drop in the dish? Connect with me here and drop that #ProTip. I’ll collect these #ProTips and share them in a future episode of Let’s Fix Leadership. Let’s call it a virtual “Take a Penny, Leave a Penny” dish. Can’t wait to add your Pro Tip to the mix… because the more the merrier.

Yours in celebrating silly holidays and borrowed relevance because life is too short to not have fun,


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