0:00:00.1 S1: I've got a little secret for all of you today, and that is, you do not have to be a straight A adult.
0:00:10.2 S2: Welcome back, friends. This is your place or cutting edge tools, exercises, best practices and modern leadership strategies, because on the world is changing, it's time to bring our leadership styles along for the ride, whether you're a company leader, a corporate visionary and entrepreneur, This show gives you new insights into the neuroscience and a language leadership plus practical steps and tips to lead your team can caraway to also help you keep your people happy and engage all while achieving your biggest goals. I'm your host, Jen thorn and the talent strategist, the brain-based executive coach, speaker, and the founder of the O or coaching. Now, let's fix leadership.
0:00:53.7 S1: Yeah, let's get honest with each other, we were not meant to be straight A adults, and I'd probably guess that most children aren't built to be straight A children either, unfortunately, our school system forces us into expecting children to be straight A students, and then we get older and we think we have to be straight A adults, and we find out that's pretty hard and probably not likely gonna happen, but how many of you think that everything you do at work... Everything you do has to be A plus work, and if you're that person that believes that by chance, are you also overwhelmed, are you also working nights and weekends and working twice as hard as everyone around you is your souls... Never getting any shorter. Well, it's probably because you're trying to be a straight A adult and you're causing overwhelm for yourself and likely for your team, and what if you just prioritize your work, you look at everything you needed to do this week and you said, I'm gonna do a plus there, that's to be... And heck, that work. There's four things right there, I'm gonna do some C minus work today.
0:02:01.8 S1: Those are all C minus performance. I'm gonna just come in and do a C, but let's not forget that See work is also still a passing grade, and when you open up space for sea work, you are actually opening up space for A plus plus work because of everything you're trying to do or everything you're directing your team to do is a US work, then you're gonna run out of energy resources, engagement. You're just not gonna be able to do it. And too often when I work with people and they're just so focused on everything having to be perfect or everything has to be an A plus, they really produce all see work because they're struggle and they can't be a straight A adult, nor can their team... And I know it's hard to kind of think about this and think, Wow, how can I actually turn in... Like see work, and I share this concept sometimes when I'm coaching someone and they just stare at me like, Really, do you want me as a high performer to do... See, work. Just get by. And I'm like, Yeah, I actually do want you to do that.
0:03:08.1 S1: And they say It's impossible. But then we start to go through things and they're like, Oh, I get it now. And so to help you get it... Now, I'm gonna go through a few things here. In my own business at 30, there is A B and C work. You might be surprised a little bit by it, but we'll help you go through it, and I have to do this exercise with the team all of the time, because we always joke, we have more ideas than time and money here at 3. 04, we are the most creative team will probably not me, but the people on the team, Oh my gosh, their ideas, their creativity, and I can say, I need you to do this one thing, and they're gonna wanna come back with something that's like this 10 things on top of it. And I'm like, No, see, I just needed this one little thing, but they've got more ideas than time and money, and I love that, I would rather pull someone back then push someone forward, and so I have to say to people often on this team is, this is a US work, this is me, and this is gonna be C.
0:04:12.1 S1: And that really helps them and helps me understand, where do we spend our resources? So our A work truly is a work.
0:04:22.5 S2: Let's take a quick break from the conversation, does your company need to prepare those upcoming leaders to take the rain to learn more about our leadership academies and our coaching, and to see if your company is a good fit for our transformation program? Is it three or four? Coaching dot com. So what does this look like in real life? For us.
0:04:44.7 S1: Client work, client work is always a plus for us, if I am going to produce something and the client has come to us for our expertise and needs us to create something for them, Oh, we're gonna show up, we're gonna show up with A plus work. But first, what I do is I start to prioritize with that client on what A plus is gonna look like for them, because some projects for them is a plus and it's like a brand new Maserati, and some projects they need to be a reliable, nice, fully loaded average car. Now, if I'm gonna deliver that very nice, average middle of the road car, it's still gonna be an A plus of that version, but it doesn't have to be the Maserati in every single project, so though it's always a plus for us, I help the client decide is this A, B or C for them, and then I can produce the best version of that, so that's one of the ways we start to prioritize what level of work goes into our client projects. Well, then we have internal things, and that's a work actually, and I'm okay with that, I'm okay.
0:05:57.4 S1: If an email has 10 misspelled words, I'm okay. If it's a text with two words and I have to decide for it, I'm okay if I have to help someone with some details because it's just not their thing, I'm okay. If someone wants to work off hours, I'm okay with a lot of things because it's passing great, it's internal work and we can manage it, but because we internally manage it and we just get by on some things that doesn't really have much of an impact, then we have that space for the A plus work for the client. In an example of B-work, what you're listening to right now is some of my work... This is a podcast. Do I put a lot into it? Absolutely, we put a lot of resources into this podcast, something I've learned takes a lot more to produce a podcast and I would have ever thought, but it's work, and I'm at home right now on a podcast microphone I got off of... Off of Amazon, I'm using my laptop on Zoom to record this. Now, if I wanted this to be a plus, I would have full scripts written now, so I wouldn't be thinking just randomly in rifting on here with you.
0:07:09.4 S1: I would be in a studio, I would have production there doing the production, doing the voices, managing all the sounds, I would do a plus work, but that's not what I want out of this. I want conversations with you, my friends, and I want to show up in a way that I can actually have the time and resources to do this podcast, and so I show up with me, this is the work for me, I don't take it to that Maori level, because it's not what's important, what's important is actually getting the podcast done and spending this time with you. So as you can see, when you look at work a work, be work, work, it's all around us. And if you really wanna fix leadership by decreasing overwhelmed, decreasing fear, decreasing this need of perfectionism, all of these things that are damaging are mental health in the workplace or causing us to work extra hours to really work on that, you have to start teaching yourself and others around you, how to get honest with what a work looks like the work and see work. So as you go out and manage your day, manage your time week, take a chance to look at your to-do list and assign it, am I gonna show up as an A? Am I gonna be a B? Or am I gonna get passing great on this? And help your team do the exact same thing, help everyone out there decide what level of work you're gonna produce with every assignment task project on your list, so that you can really take what creative energy you have and really focus it on what matters, and you will see that your work doesn't actually decrease by do and see work, your work actually increases because you have the energy and the space and the mindset to do really, really great work when it actually matters.
0:09:10.8 S1: Alright, so please commit with me not to try to be a straight A adult, it's exhausting, it's no fun, and we wanna have it better live, we wanna go out there and let's fix leadership, and by fixing leadership, we're gonna enjoy our home life a whole lot more so go out there and be a C student.
0:09:32.3 S2: Thanks for listening to Leiter ship. By hanging out with me today, you're a party on your path, if you're looking to learn more and to see if your company is a good fit for our coaching and leadership education, and Hey, visit 34 chatbot if you got value on this podcast. Share it with a friend, and it would mean the world to me if you live a thoughtful review and a rating on it. Thanks again for listening, and I appreciate your work in fixing leadership.