Jen on Passage to Profit, an iHeart Radio Show

Find the Best Talent for Your Business

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0:00:00.0 S1: How do we think about talent in the workplace and really recognizing the only way a business gets off the ground is the talent in which surrounds the business.

0:00:11.0 S2: You know the future of brick and mortar is definitely going to be very much experience first rather than retail first or transaction first. What we are seeing is how companies are using their physical footprint to create a real-time experience. Our mission, which is to enable deeper, longer and more meaningful relationships between people and their pets. We do this through exceptional quality dog food rooted in veterinary science. I’m Richard Gearhart.

0:00:44.0 S1: And I’m Elizabeth Gearhart. You’ve just heard some excerpts from today’s show and it was dynamite, so stay tuned for the rest. I’m Richard Gearhart.

0:00:57.2 S2: And I’m Elizabeth Gearhart. Welcome to Passage to Profit, the show that’s all about entrepreneurs, innovation and the intellectual property that helps them flourish. Tonight on the show, we have Jen Thornton, she’s amazing, and she’s the head and CEO of 304 Coaching, which helps create high-performance teams for our entrepreneurs, so you definitely won’t miss that, and after Jen, we’re going to have a cash in to all who actually received an email from Steve Jobs early in his career. And he is the co-founder and CEO of why Media Labs, and he’s gonna have a lot of very interesting information. So stay tuned.

0:01:40.4 S1: And for all of you dog lovers out there, I know that’s half the catch at the world at least where Nate web has something you really wanna find out about fear does. Yes.

0:01:53.8 S2: But before we get to our distinguished guests, we have IP in the news, which is of course as an intellectual property turning… One of my favorite things I remember.

0:02:05.2 S1: Evil can eval.

0:02:06.3 S2: I certainly do. I went and saw him when I was a kid.

0:02:08.8 S1: So he was a dare devil.

0:02:10.3 S2: I almost got his autograph, I think he was not able to get up off the gas or something.

0:02:15.6 S1: He would do stuff, he would dress in this jumpsuit and write his motorcycle over cars and Canyons, and I don’t know what the.

0:02:24.6 S2: Sorts of that stuff, but it took forever, you’d be there in the audience and it would take him like 40 minutes to warm up, and then you kinda ride up to the top of the ramp and then he’d ride down, he’d ride his motorcycle around, ’cause he only had one thing which is… And once the jump was over, like it’s done right, so I drag that out as long as he could…

0:02:45.4 S1: Anyway, he was very well known. And what in the 70s was it years in 80. And then his son, Lo, has recently sued Disney because they had a character in Toy Story for called Duke kaboom, who was similar to evil coeval in a lot of ways, but had some differences, one being… He was Canada’s Canadian teams.

0:03:11.4 S2: This is a cartoon character, right? Yes. Okay, so they had a cartoon character with a guy wearing a white jumpsuit, like evil can evil riding a motorcycle, and I guess jumping over stuff, and so.

0:03:23.1 S1: I didn’t see a toy started for.

0:03:25.3 S2: His son got through that, I guess that this was a representation of his father and you sued based on trademark infringement, and he lost.

0:03:34.4 S1: Because Disney changed it enough.

0:03:36.4 S2: Was the ring, right? And they changed his facial hair, and he was Canadian, and those were the reasons that it was not considered infringing, so… Anyway, you can’t be Disney. I mean, let’s face it, even can evil against his knee, people can evil son against his name, he break… Okay.

0:04:00.8 S1: Now we’re gonna move on to an actual issued patent, we are taking this in early October with the hopes that it will air around Halloween. Yes, and I believe this man wrote his own patent application and he actually got his pant through, which is very unusual, it may be that he’s a patent attorney or something, but… His name is Frank feedback-ing from Redwood City, California. This issued August 17th, 2004.

0:04:25.4 S2: August 17th, it’s her birthday, by the way, for people who wanna send present.

0:04:29.5 S1: That’s when I was born, was to… But anyways, most patent applications and pans are extremely dry and legalisation, they’re fascinating, so his abstract is a face with glowing eyes, return star or blankets, it’s like a little ghost thing for Halloween, and my mechanical goes thing with Leds for eyes. That’s back.

0:04:55.3 S2: And back in the day, when was this 2002 that was considered a creative idea.

0:05:01.1 S1: When he first wrote it, right. So the creature has a pair of empty sockets or under evil brows is where the eyes go. Right, and he says The approach to prop construction described may also be employed for less sinister personal of.

0:05:19.5 S2: The patent is hunting a… And I guess you’re supposed to use this to not people, of course, but it’s like if your movie isn’t scary enough, then you’re supposed to get one of these and put it in the room while you’re watching a movie, and that way you’ll be like double scared.

0:05:35.8 S1: So in the background, he talks about other upper and like this that are scary things with mechanical or electrical features, the as unfortunately, one needs to be a grave robber in order to Porterville today, the President mention is poised to kill this trend, the invention be useful in producing mass hysteria, which we all need.

0:06:01.5 S2: More of.

0:06:01.9 S1: What… Manaus for other petitions to different effect. So.

0:06:07.5 S2: This is sort of patent, a person who are here because it… Just in case you’re not following, but he goes on to say The President invention includes heads, portions of heads or faces depicted on inexpensive panels, she’s or layers of material with light emitting diodes position to simulate is when it may be preferred in many instances, that has not need to be dismembered. Doesn’t have to be according. Currently, the invention may include complete, if often somewhat decayed or devoured figures with glowing eyes, so he’s really setting the stage there, you can just gross people out to your heart’s content and all the intentional accomplish his.

0:06:52.8 S1: Purposes. He was just hilarious. So we thought that was funny because you never see that kind of life, but obviously he had to do it himself, ’cause I don’t think about it during.

0:07:03.5 S2: A… Now it’s time for Richard’s roundtable where our distinguished guests have the opportunity to comment on what they just heard, so if you have thoughts about either of the patents or the patent or the case or just any other intellectual property topic, please fire away. So we’ll go to Jen Thornton first. Jen, tell us what you think.

0:07:26.1 S1: Well, I’m thinking the evil Canada’s brother or son, may have a case against the Ghost because they go, That’s described as evil, and he’s in a white suit on, that’s the next lawsuits going after the ghost.

0:07:44.9 S2: I think that’s hilarious. I hope his son is listening and receiving some strategic advice there. Thanks, thanks a lot. Kenya, what are your thoughts?

0:07:56.8 S1: Well, I was kind of sad to hear about the Disney situation and evil con eval son, ’cause I feel like they were very intent in terms of how they switched things around to kinda get around the whole… Using of likeness, I guess, or using someone’s likeness. I feel like they made the character of Canadian purpose, they did all these little tricky things to kind of manipulate the situation, so it is Disney, but I was kinda sad to hear that they are really taking people’s ideas, but then allegedly allegedly will say allegedly.

0:08:31.1 S2: Allegedly well. Yeah, that resonates with me too. I mean, Disney could have done something for this guy, right. Or at least somehow acknowledged that it was based on fame, that somebody else had spent their lives creating… Right.

0:08:54.9 S1: We’ve got a license or something, I’m sure if you use any Disney stuff, you have to buy a license to do it, so…

0:09:00.6 S2: Yeah, I mean, that’s a very tough…

0:09:03.6 S1: And I guess my other thing, my question to you, Richard, is what could his son… Evil can evil son have done to maybe protect the likeness a little better, how far can someone go, I guess, in the trade marking process to protect themselves.

0:09:18.6 S2: Soriano… No, it’s just pretty hard. You can kind of work out a series potentially of copyrights, copyrights are often used to protect a cartoon characters. Right, but even Canada was a person. So if he had a custom suit made, maybe a design patent, but those kinds of things are tough to protect and you really have to invest a lot, and even Canada, when he was a famous, there was only one evil to eight, so he was like, I don’t know that he really ever thought about protecting his brand beyond that in those days, but certainly nowadays he would think about it, so… A good question. It’s hard to do, for sure. As… What are your thoughts here? Yeah, it’s… Imre tried our first startup, this was 2078, we got a… A letter at an infringement letter that whatever we were building is very close, and it was like a deal website, and since then, I realized unless you have a very solid case, it’s always hard to establish the case, and it feels like… That’s the case here too. Right, yeah, that’s a good point. And it’s interesting that you got a Susan Desist letter early on, I mean…

0:11:00.0 S2: Do you mind explaining how that resolved itself? Yeah, it was like… We launched a site, it was a deal website, and the whole idea was like Groupon. So it was all about sharing. If you are found to be online and if you share, then you get a part of the deal because you are the person who’s promoting that particular deal online, and we got a season Desist letter saying that You can’t do that because we invented deal sharing or something like that, which is, I was like, Okay, but we didn’t fight it much because I started… Didn’t go anywhere, so the start-up was pretty much shut down, and that was the end of… Yeah, well… That’s certainly a resolution. Maybe not the one that you were hoping for, but nonetheless, Renaldo, let us know your thoughts. Yeah, my real question is kind of similar to Kenya, but just Belton that is, has it been documented what different enough actually means or is this a… You’re just really entering into, can you find a good enough lawyer and Can you put enough money behind it to really drive the conversation? So pelt, we have trademarks on our brand as well as in many of our products, and for me, just to kind of hear in the stories are really curious where it’s been defined, what similar enough or different enough is, and what are the bodies that actually define what that means…

0:12:40.4 S2: Now, that’s a really great question, and honestly, one that we’ve never had on passage to profit before, so that you’re an original… Terrane would say that really, there is no answer in the legal world many times, and it’s just… It’s a balance of probabilities. And a lot of that comes with the judgment of the attorney, so unfortunately, if you’re in a situation like that, you wanna hire somebody that’s seen thousands of fact patterns and how it’s played out, and then based on that, your attorney can say, Well, I think if you change this and you change this. And you change this. You should be okay, right? And then sometimes the client comes to access, well, I don’t wanna change that and I don’t wanna change that, well, maybe you change this or change this, you’ll be okay, but when you’re close, there’s always a certain level of risk, and so it’s up to the entrepreneur to decide, Well, how much risk are we gonna take, and in the case of Disney, the risk is low because they have so many resources that it makes it hard for somebody like Canva son to fight back. So does that answer your question? Yeah, no, that was really helpful.

0:14:11.8 S2: And it just kind of brings out another one, if I get one more, that’s okay. Does it doesn’t matter the judge you bring this case to, or is there a jurisdiction… How does that all work? Like the evil can evil have an evil Neal son, sorry, have a choice as to what judge or who would be determining if Disney or had actually used his father’s likeness. So you get a choice of forum, which means that he could have probably filed the suit anywhere Disney does business, or he could have filed suit where he lives, or if there was a company involved, you could have filed suit where his company was. And the rules around jurisdiction and lawsuits are kind of complicated, but he does have a lot of choices, he doesn’t have a choice though, on the judge that here’s the case, so once it goes into a court, they have a system that dives up, the courts deviate cases, some Jeju are more familiar with intellectual property, so it might be assigned to that kind of judge, but there’s no… You have no control over what judge, Here is your case, and that is supposedly to lead to some level of impartiality, right.

0:15:32.5 S2: So… Excellent.

0:15:33.3 S1: This has been a great discussion.

0:15:34.9 S2: Yeah, I think so, and I think now it’s time to move on to our fantastic guest, Jon Thornton is here, and she’s going to be talking about how to build a supercharged team, which every entrepreneurial organization needs. Welcome to the show, Jen. It’s amazing that you’re here with us and please for our audience who are maybe thinking about starting a company, why don’t you talk a little bit about how they can build a team when they should build a team, and maybe also talk about how you built your business.

0:16:14.1 S1: Well, thank you for having me, and I’m excited to talk to all of your entrepreneurs about creating teams, and the news right now, we’re hearing a lot of things around the worker shortage or people are leaving traditional jobs and starting their own businesses. I was one of those people myself four years ago, so I think it’s such a timely conversation to think about how do we think about talent in the workplace, and really recognizing the only way a business gets off the ground is the talent in which surrounds the business, and when I think about starting your own business, depending on the structure, what I tell people and what I love to work on with people is taking their business strategy and creating a talent strategy to go along with that, and too often our business strategy is missing that and so we know how the product is gonna get to market, we know who our target audience is, we know what cost of delivery, anything you can imagine around that business is in a business plan, but typically what is missing is who is actually going to do that work, and that’s why businesses fail because we haven’t decided how that work’s actually going to get done.

0:17:28.3 S1: I gotta say, well, that ran… Doesn’t it… Well, and you do need team members that do the actual work, and it’s tough, it’s tough to say who should do what, and sometimes jobs leach over into each other, and it’s also like… What I like to do with your heart law is define the process and then hand it off, weather’s been a struggle in the creative part of… The fun part of time…

0:18:00.6 S2: Well, that’s interesting though. So if you’re a sole opener, your team is really the people like the accountant that You may outsource to, the marketing person you may outsource to, and whatever other… The designer, the website maker, how do you create a talent strategy with those people in mind?

0:18:24.0 S1: So that’s how I started, it was just me. Now we have a team, about 10 of us, but there was a day where I opened up my laptop and I said, Today, I’m going to start a business. What the heck do I do next? And so I spent a lot of time thinking about what my wheelhouse was, what I could deliver, and I had to get really honest with what I don’t know anything about, and that is okay as an entrepreneur to say, I don’t know anything about how to build a website or I don’t know anything about how to set up my business in a way that makes sense legally, or the taxes. And so when you think of all the stuff that needs to be done and you’re a solo, get honest with where you do not have knowledge and really start to work and who you need to bring on to help you with those things. And one of the mistakes I see a lot of solo entrepreneurs do is they may start to bring on one person, and so they think about bringing on one full-time person, and they’re like, Okay, I need you to do accounting and marketing, and they’re asking them to do basically 10 different types of work, and then they think this one person could do it all and do it well, and that doesn’t work, we’re not that big of generalists in nature as humans, and so with your solo entrepreneur, you have to break down those items that need to be done that you do not have the knowledge to do properly, and go find experts, and each one of those…

0:19:50.1 S1: It’s better to find five great people who are experts in what they do and work with those five people in a small way versus trying to find one person who you think could do it all. Because those people are few and far between.

0:20:04.2 S2: That’s amazing advice. And I have to say, I made that mistake when I was starting out, first of all, I started out doing everything myself and get a little bit of help, and Elizabeth, of course, he was there backing me up every step of the way as we… As fact, it was her idea that I start the law firm.

0:20:22.7 S1: But there were definitely things I didn’t wanna do or did not really how to do, he got these big envelopes that were filed rappers back in the day, and Kinsman, everything’s electronic. But I was like, I’ve never seen one of those before. What the heck is that thing?

0:20:40.4 S2: Yeah, but you’re right. And part of the thing was, as I was boot-strapping right, to go out and start paying people at the time, 100 an hour for five hours a week, seemed like a lot of money at the time, and I didn’t know how I was gonna afford all of this, all of the talent. And so, if you’re strapped for cash, is there a strategy that somebody could employ…

0:21:14.4 S1: Right, there’s a couple of different things. When you’re having to think about the budget, there is harder, and some people are open to that, I’m an executive coach, and I have an accountant who’s a solo entrepreneur, I could have thought about how to burger with her. That could have been an option. And then in today’s world, the nice thing is, is there is the Internet, there is YouTube, verify, anything you find on YouTube, you’ll find four videos that tell you four different things on the same topic and they’re all experts, but be very careful about what could crash your business and those are always anything legal or anything around taxes, and really think about how to make sure your protect some of those things, it could be financially a ruin for your organization. Just like our patents, you come up with an idea, it’s really close to someone else’s, you don’t know that the legal ramifications of that could take down your business, so really focus in on those core things and then those other things that you can know enough to be dangerous to figure out gentian trying to do those.

0:22:24.3 S2: Well, that’s a very solid advice, and yeah, I just… Of course, I wanna amplify that. If you’re going to create a product or a brand that you at least do a search to make sure that you’re clear that somebody else doesn’t already have the trademark, or somebody else that hasn’t already protected the product, because after three years of work and making progress, you may face legal issues when that person finds out and it can be pretty destructive, even if you decide not to practice, even if you decide not to protect it, at least you should know whether somebody else has it, so can you… You look like you have a question.

0:23:05.9 S1: Jen, just a few things, ’cause you mentioned worker shortages early on in the conversation, and I know morale has really been shifted since all of this has been going on, like what are some ways that solo Pender or companies can identify good talent in this time, considering that there is a worker shortage, and what are some ways that they can help teams build back morale, considering everything everyone’s going through in the last almost year. The first thing organizations have to recognize is, why do people work and so there’s four reasons, and so there’s financial. So check the box. We know most of us have to have a paycheck. So that’s part of it. But the other three things are in control of an organization to build, and people work because they want to have a connection of belonging to a group of people or to other people, and so that is in our control and how we build that. They also want to make sure they’re part of something bigger than them, and so of a purpose, an organization has the ability to create that purpose and to make sure that people feel like they are part of the mission.

0:24:15.2 S1: And then the last thing, the reason why people work is they wanna grow, even if they wanna be in that same position for 2015 years, they wanna still grow and electorally and organizations have power over that, and so I think that’s the piece that’s often missing is organizations don’t step and step back and say, Well, why do people actually work and am I delivering on that, and if I’m not, What do I need to do to deliver on those things? And then then go out and start to think about your employee branding, which is a great way to create a connection to the candidate, so connected to your organization and the application process, or before they even apply, they may say, Oh, some day I really wanna work there because I’ve been seeing these videos of what it’s like to work there, and it’s amazing, and so you create that connection. You can, through employer branding, talk about growth, talk about education programs or promotions, or someone who’s done something great, or talk about the purpose and how an employee connects in with that purpose, and so that’s the first piece, is just really stopping and saying, This is why people work…

0:25:25.1 S1: And am I delivering on that? Jan, I have a question following from that, so we hear a lot about company culture, and culture is such an ambiguous word, right, so what it actually goes into a company culture, and as the leader of a company or the head of a startup, how do you define that, what does it really mean? So there’s two cultures, there’s the one on a piece of paper that everyone talks about and says they’re supposed to do, and then the culture of reality, and that is how we act, and so the secret is creating a culture with what’s on the paper what we… Aspire to is the way we act. And it always starts with leadership, and it starts in a place where leaders really understand how to act in a way in which they have laid out, and so say integrity as part of a culture. Well, then, if you wanna lead with integrity, you have to think about transparency and honesty, you have to think about how are you going to hear to transparency back to you. And I think that is where it gets a hiccup, is executives sometimes or founders think that they are doing that, but they have to be self-aware enough to really think about their actions and how does their actions create the world that people work in.

0:26:49.5 S1: Wow. That’s just really fascinating. Obviously, you’ve seen this work, you’ve helped companies put all of this together, what kind of results do you see when all of the pieces are working correctly, so when all the pieces are working correctly, you see a lot of really great things… One of the things that I love to see when I know the pieces are coming together, you start to see honesty and truth telling in the workplace, and that is always my scope box, you do not have a culture in which you can be honest with everyone, if you as a leader can accept the truth, when someone tells you the truth, then you really are starting to damage workplace innovation and workplace problem-solving, all of those things you’re actually wanting to do because you create fear of knowledge, you create fear of telling this truth, and so when I find organizations where an executive will say me, I was in a meeting the other day and we just hired this brand new coordinator, and she brought up to me that this recent campaign we did just didn’t connect with her and told me why, and man, I really needed to hear that.

0:27:58.5 S1: Then I know that we’re starting to create a culture where people are telling the truth, people are involved, they are able to have a purpose and are connected to what’s going on around them. So Jen, I wanted to ask you, how did you get into what you’re doing now, into this coaching and working with the executives? What was your motivation to do this? So I am a re-teller by heart, and my big dream as a kid was I wanted to work in the mall, and good news streams come true, and I got to work in the mall, and I started leading teams at a really young age and at a very young age started recognizing who I had on duty that night when I was closing… Impacted my KPIS. I loved waking up to my KPIS every single morning, and just from a young age, I started figuring out that I connected the dots, who was on my team had a direct correlation to him, business results, and so progressed many years I did operations, I went into HR I’ve been domestic, I’ve been in international HR, and time and time again, it was proven that companies or concepts, ideas, new adventures, whatever you’re doing, it either is successful or it falls based on the people you put on that project.

0:29:16.9 S1: And so after doing that for a lot of years in helping organizations internally as an employee, figure out how to create the talent strategy for the new project. I thought, You know what, I wanna have some variety and I wanna go off and do it myself, and a lot of things led up to that, but it was those moments in time on the ever-forget OS in a board room in Hong Kong. Someone walked in and said something and I thought, Nope, I’m done, I’m out of here, I’m gonna do this on my own. I flew home and started trying to figure it out, so that’s how I got here today and my passion around helping businesses succeed through their talent.

0:29:53.3 S2: That’s really great. Happy made the decision to cut ties with the corporate organization and go out on your own…

0:30:02.2 S1: I am… And the reason why is there is this amazing sense of accomplishment and my confidence is built… It is hard. Some days I wake up and think, What was I thinking? And then five minutes later, I’ll get an email from a client and I’m like, Oh, I was thinking this is gonna be wonderful, and it’s truly is wonderful. But I am so happy I made this decision, and I’ve always worked in a corporate environment, so I truly feel like I work with every one of my clients. They don’t feel like a vendor relationship or a consultant relationship, I tell them, I’m like, If I join, you’re gonna have to pretend like I’m a team member ’cause I will… I will be part of your team. And our clients stay… We’ve had some of our very first clients are still our clients today, because we truly do become a team, and there is a purpose of creating this energy through talent and creating better communities is the best way to build about our community, is really providing great work environments for people, because how you’re treated at work impacts how you treat people when you go home at night, and so here at 3 for one of our biggest values is creating better communities, and we do that through the work environment.

0:31:20.5 S1: Awesome, Kenya. I mean, you said a whole lot, but I just think what’s important to take away is the fact that there are tactics and things that corporations and solar Pinus can use to build effective teams that create an effective workflow for an organization. But if you had to kinda tie it all together in a box, what would you say would be the most important thing that a corporation or an entrepreneur can apply immediately that could create some effective change… A great question, If you are a leader, an entrepreneur, and you want to create change right this moment, the biggest thing I want you to start to do is to think about how you engage in conversations around information delivery and new ideas, and even if someone comes to you with information that you don’t necessarily want to hear or you don’t believe it… What I would love for you to say to that person is, I don’t see it, but change my mind. Because then you start to enter into this in conversation with your team, you start to learn things, you start to see it from someone else’s perspective, and when you as a leader can be open in a conversation and see other people’s perspectives…

0:32:32.7 S1: Everything will change, you will drive your business in a way you never knew possible.

0:32:39.4 S2: That’s wonderful. And so when you started your business, so you were fortunate that you had a lot of training and experience already in your field, so tell us about this point when you stepped out of the corporate world and started to build your business, what were some of the steps that you went through and how did you know when you kind of made it? Right, ’cause when you’re starting out, you’re working, you’re working your work and you’re not sure what’s gonna happen next, and then it kinda comes a point where I think… I got something here that’s gonna work. Right.

0:33:26.6 S1: So when I think about that moment that I talked about where I was like, Alright, this is my time to jump, I didn’t jump that next day, that might not have been the best decision, but what I did is I created a six-month plan and I said, What kind of business do I want? What do I need to do for myself so that I can create that successful business, and there was a lot of different pillars. There were some financial things I needed to come to terms with. Though I had a ton of experience, I enrolled in an executive coaching program and ensured that I went to the best school that I could find, so that I was good at what I wanted to do. I sat down and really thought about who would be my first clients, what was my network, and I started reaching out to people very early, in fact, my very first contract I got… Before I left my corporate job, I didn’t have a name, I didn’t have anything, but I had started reaching out to my contacts and letting them know this is where what I’m going to do, I love to keep you inside the story and on my journey so that when I launch, you’ll know what I’m up to, and so I really put together this plan and I worked out a very long notice at my job and got them settled so I didn’t burn any bridges there, ’cause they could always be potential clients too, and then I you know, finally shut one door and opened this store, so when it comes to thinking about, if I’ve made it, I am a true believer as an entrepreneur, I am where I need to be every day, and some days that’s a good place, and some days that’s not but if you’re always waiting for this moment where you go, DNA, I’m here, it probably won’t come and you will probably stop growing, and so I just look at it, is this is where I’m at and I am better today than I was yesterday, and there’s a darn good chance I’ll be a little tiny bit better even tomorrow, so I don’t know if I’ll ever arrive…

0:35:31.7 S1: I don’t know if that’s who I am.

0:35:34.7 S2: That’s an interesting thought. I mean, I will say When Elizabeth and I were starting your heart law, we were just so in the weeds all the time and trying… And then there was one point, I guess we had set a financial goal that if we had generated so much revenue, we would continue on… Otherwise, I’d go back and go back into the corporate world. My journey was similar. I worked at Novartis Pharmaceuticals and then left to start this practice, and it was sort of like we took a step back and say, Well, we hit all of our targets, and so I guess it makes sense to continue this journey, a.

0:36:20.1 S1: New target, a new.

0:36:21.7 S2: Area, but I agree with you. Every day is a different day, and we’re always looking for that next footing and next foothold or hand-hold to get up the mountain. One extra step. And that’s what makes it fun.

0:36:42.1 S1: Right? So Jen, how do people find you? Are you on LinkedIn? I know you have a website with your website, so our website is, you can find me on LinkedIn at Jen Thornton ACC and we can always continue a conversation there, and then I also have a YouTube channel, entrant coaching, where I post at workshops, videos, all types of different leadership tools that are out there for you.

0:37:10.6 S2: That’s great. Well, thank you very much for being on the show. I hope you’ll stick with us for the rest of the hour, so we leave at the benefit of your experience, but for now, we have to stop for a commercial break, you’re listening to a passage to profit on WR 710. The voice of New York will be right back after this. Welcome back, everybody. Passage to profit with Richard and Eliza CAH, special guest, Jen Thornton. Now we’re onto our executive spotlight. Hello, as she showered doing today. Good, how are you? Good and tonal is a CEO of Y Media Labs, and they’re doing all sorts of incredible things, a very innovative company. And welcome to the show. Thank you. Happy to be here. So tell us a little bit about why media labs, what you do, and some of the types of businesses that you work with. Yeah, so what we do is we work with different brands on designing and building their digital off for print, which means that if, let’s say you’re buying something from Home Depot, so we work with them closely on what the app design should look like, how the mobile function in store versus when you’re buying stuff from your living room, and how that whole connected journey for a consumer should be…

0:38:43.0 S2: So we work with a lot of brands, work with Apple PayPal, Home Depot, a lot of healthcare brands, retailers, banks, so on, so forth. Wow, that’s pretty amazing. I think we’ve all had the shopping cart experience, I find myself spending quality time with my Amazon account almost every evening. Are there new technologies that you can speak about that are related to this journey, because I think it’s really pretty familiar to anybody who’s actually ordered anything online. Yeah, I think more than new technologies, I think there are new trends because technologies are always there… It’s about a lot more about adoption. For instance, the covid has accelerated a lot of trends which would have happened in the future, but it’s kind of like the progress of five years is kinda squeezed into two years in a lot of ways, and what we have seen is people generally young people, Gen Z and the Millennials, they were a lot more digital-friendly and more mobile first, but now what we have seen is, even the older crowd is a lot more tech-friendly going forward going through the pandemic, even for instance, tel-a-doc, which was never a big thing before pandemic, and now, it is becoming the preferred way to connect with your doctor, unless you have something going on where you really have to see a doctor physically, even shopping groceries, is the trend of buying groceries from your couch or delivering or picking up grocery was very minimal.

0:40:47.8 S2: Before covid, and now it’s kind of the thing.

0:40:51.5 S1: But she… Don’t you think… And I know that from experience that it’s gotten a lot easier to use these tech products, I remember years ago doing a website and trying to get images onto the site, now I just do a screenshot with my computer and it has a place I can click a button and on it goes. And with all these shopping things too, and even soon, like the tech during the pandemic… For zoom increased amazingly. Right.

0:41:20.1 S2: Absolutely. Before the pandemic, like my parents would struggle using ZOOM, and now it’s like Zoom is kinda second nature in a lot of ways, so when you say things have gone easier, it’s also about people have been forced to use some of these things, which were pretty easy to begin with, but then now they have experienced that it’s so easy, might as well use it in your daily lives. Yeah, I was listening to Gary V, Gary Vander check the other day, and he said that the largest group of Facebook users are aged 55 and older, so if you wanna target that market, then go to Facebook, which was kind of fascinating. It makes a lot of sense, but it was an interesting taste because you always think of Facebook really technology not appealing to an older crowd, but I think… I wonder if that statistic would have been true five years about… And if you couldn’t visit your grandchildren in person, you visited him on Facebook and you became more exposed to the technology… Yeah, absolutely. If you’re socially distancing, but the need of being social is still there… Technology is the only way to overcome that.

0:42:54.2 S1: Right? So can you… Do you have… You’ve lived in digital technology probably your whole life and… Yeah, for sure. And what’s interesting is I wanted to get your take though on the future of brick and mortar, ’cause I like to shop in the store, like I’m one of those people that like to touch the actual goods, but they also like to shop online, but have very little patients there, if the user experiences force, but what I’ve been noticing is that an Elizabeth, you can attest to secure, you’re a shopper like me, I see less and less people in the store, and I don’t know… Even on the weekends when I go, I just don’t see that picking up as quickly as I thought it would return, so I wanted to just get your take there and like how companies are combating that.

0:43:38.5 S2: Yeah, the future of brick and mortar is definitely going to be very much experience first rather than retail first or transaction first, and a few things, what we are seeing is how companies are using their physical footprint to create a real-time experience or things which they cannot see, online. And I think that’s going to be the future. Have you ever gone to a store called beta…

0:44:16.8 S1: Yeah, we have one in our mall here… Yeah.

0:44:21.3 S2: So if you go to that store, so there’s one here in Palo Alto, and it was the first store and they launched it like it’s a store where you can experience a lot of these cool gadgets, it’s kinda… You can experience… Have you heard of the device called tarragon, it’s like.

0:44:41.4 S1: Oh, it’s like the thing in the massage or were to work out yet.

0:44:44.7 S2: So now it’s a lot more popular, but three, four years ago. That was the first time I saw that and I was like, Man, this is kind of a game changer if you’re an athlete, and so a lot of that type of experience you’re seeing there for the first time, and something similar is happening kind of across the board, the new Amazon shopping. So when you enter the physical Amazon shop, you’re not just seeing stuff laid out in the store, you’re seeing books which are highly rated already, so when the consumers, they’re going through the shelves, they know what is probably the best product out there, what customers are seeing, which you don’t experience typically when you go to any store… Right, and I would say if, for example, if you look at Amazon, they acquired Whole Foods. And so Jeff Bezos must be thinking that that part of reaching customers is going to include some sort of retail experience… Right, and he’s looking for ways to integrate the brick and mortar experience with the online experience. But I would… Just to speculate a little bit, I agree. Only things that you can actually see. And then there would be some sort of features where the inventory would be very tightly controlled and it would only be for certain types of products that people really wanna interact with, and that’s how you would create the experience.

0:46:30.9 S2: Yeah, Jen… Can you.

0:46:34.9 S1: Can ask a question there? So I love that you brought a Tele Health… One of our clients is a small medical network, and telehealth seemed really… When that started happening, they were scrambling, what does this mean, and they’re trying to get their physicians… Their providers used to doing telemann, I love that has come out of that, and what we have found within their organization is that people are following up with their doctors, they are making an appointment because I know they can jump on and do it from… On their lunch break and they don’t have that drive time, so I really hope that telehealth continues. I hope our insurance organizations continue to support that here in the US because it is making a difference and people are seeing their doctor when they need to, because now it is easier. So I love that you brought that up, and I think that’s fantastic. So when you think about all of this time, in theory, you should save… If you’re not driving to the grocery store, you’re not maybe driving to brick and mortar, you’re doing so much on these apps, where are people spending that extra time, where does that time go and do you know where people then spend that time that they came back to? A.

0:47:47.3 S2: Passage to profit on that too. I can tell you how I have personally… So I have two kids, 80-year-old and four-year-old, and I have never spent so much time with them before the Pandits, like I used to travel almost every week, somewhere or the other, and by the time I would come home, even when I’m here, they’re already in bed. And so what I have realized is that the quality of life for people who are working from home, who can work from home, the luxury to work from home, and we can afford the same time using this kind of technology has gone up. Overall, spending more time with kids, reducing travel time, and even I would say spending time on yourself, like the awareness of mental health has gone up so much, even though there was a need even before the pandemic, but I think people are recognizing now that it is important to spend time on yourself, like one of the things we have done at YAML is this summer we could experience that people are working very hard, the lines between work and home is blurring and people are extending themselves, and what we came up with this summer was at 2 PM every Friday, we are going to give people off so that they can work on themselves, spend more, spend an extra afternoon with their family, and that was a massive hit, and that doesn’t mean that we’re asking people not to deliver what they’re supposed to deliver, but we are just giving them the ownership to their schedule a little more, and after that summer, we have kind of continued that thing forever, so that summer Friday turned into forever Friday at yaman.

0:50:04.0 S2: That’s kind of the trend, you know you’re seeing in general, like happening in the work.

0:50:08.5 S1: As you are a TED speaker, and you also have a podcast, and you’ve been on TV quite a bit, and your podcast is why in the valley, and I love this tag line, a podcast for those who follow the change, not the plan, so what is your podcast about…

0:50:27.1 S2: Yeah, so in the pandemic, we as a business, we experienced a lot of change, there’s a lot of change in culture, a lot of change in how we just live it, and every business is going through a change, and so I thought it would be great to talk to CEOS, founders, entrepreneurs who have experienced this level of change in their company and in their start-up, and bring up that story to the world that it’s… Covid is the best example of plans are great until it’s not, and you just have to follow the change and people who can follow the change or the people who are most resilient, and the podcast is a lot about bringing up stories on how leaders have navigated to change in their company. Building products, consumer behavior, so on so forth. Right, good. ENI know you had a comment. We still have a little time left on this segment, so… Please go ahead.

0:51:36.1 S1: Yeah, I was just gonna comment about thinking about that work from home, a rock and mortar buildings and everything that’s going on, and I love the approach that you’re taking because it is that integration, and I think that for so long we felt like work-life balance was this very blocked, like, I have to work this time and I have to be home this time, and you think that as employees or as employers, if we can teach people how to integrate, you may work 600 am to 800 am, take a couple of hours off with your kids and then go back in a couple of hours, and really being flexible and integrating a schedule versus these two worlds that never collide, I think that’s a trend that we’ll be seeing the organizations have to do things like thinking about that schedule differently to ensure that we can create that integration so that it creates a new type of balance and in balance, it works in a way that we live our life today.

0:52:32.9 S2: Yeah, absolutely, and I love the idea of giving Friday off. I’d like to take Friday off quite. Did have one more question, and then I think we have to wrap up for a shot, what do you see as the future trends now, in terms of social and technical trends that you’re sort of… Aside from not being able to know or predict change with 100% certainty, but what trends are you focusing on now going forward? I think one of the tender seeing is people are a lot more aware of their health and how they can invest in themselves, whether it’s using Peloton or using Apple fitness or doing such things at home, and one trend with telehealth is on one side. Yes, it is obviously a lot more convenient to see a doctor from your living room if you don’t have to go and see the person, but I see the doctor, but on the other side, you’re also increasing your touch point with your physician a lot more, which obviously reduces health risk in the long run, otherwise, when in the pre-covid, we’re seeing a doctor was a half a day process in including commute time and everything, and because of that, a lot of people were not able to see the doctor when they should help.

0:54:10.5 S2: And I feel those things will continue to change and the technology is making all those things happen.

0:54:19.8 S1: That’s wonderful. We’ve come to the end of the segment, but we still have a lot of really great content coming up, so listeners, you are listening to passage to profit the inventor show on Wor 710. If you missed the first part of the show, we had some great advice for entrepreneurs and some great stories, so… Yes, so our podcast comes out tomorrow, and you can find us on YouTube as well. Right now, we’re going to break. So we’ll be right back.

0:54:47.7 S2: Welcome back, everybody. It’s passage to profit with Richard and Azhar or special guest this evening is John Thornton. And we just heard from a cone from a wide media corporation talking about all sorts of interesting technical pieces and really giving a very interesting synapses at the end of where we think our world is going, and now it’s time for our fascinating… IHeart media representative. Kenny Jepson.

0:55:21.5 S1: Hyena hiatus, the media. I have representative is okay. Then you have to do in a joint.

0:55:33.2 S2: This is funny, but we’re beating this life at that horse, and so now it’s time for our fabulous medium AVEN Ken Gibson, who’s also our iHeart representative, and she’s gonna be putting down her power move.

0:55:48.9 S1: Thank you for having me on today. I always appreciate you both, and for today, I wore a power move, we’re gonna talk about Ashton Kutcher in making power moves in the tech industry, he’s a celebrity, he’s an actor, he’s been doing all these other things in the world of fame, but he’s using his fame and fortune to build up the tech space, so he has actually been partnering with a few other investors, and he has founded sound ventures, which he has a co-founder, it’s a venture capital firm that helps tech start-ups, which I thought was very interesting, but many people may not know this about him, and this is where I thought it was a super power move where he’s actually a product engineer, and he’s even collaborated with Lenovo for an app to help them develop that. So I didn’t know that about him. I knew he was doing a bunch of stuff in tech, but did not know in addition to investing, he was a project in our product engineer.

0:56:44.0 S2: Rather talk about being a renaissance man, actor, app writer, venture capitalist. What doesn’t he do? I mean, plus, hear he’s quite the charmer as well. So that’s really good for him.

0:57:05.1 S1: Well, that is, I know that we had somebody on the show a couple of years ago with MES, which is a technology for meditating, and he was one of her investors, she met him in LA. So very interesting that people have more faces to their lives than just the one… Right.

0:57:21.9 S2: Yeah, I think celebrities occasionally get a bad rap, there’re a lot of them deserve it, like a Kelly. Right, but there’s also a lot of really smart celebrities too, and who have… We can do more than just act. And so hats off to Ashton and starting to become a fan, so.

0:57:45.3 S1: Whatever that means, maybe we could put you on a move, trust.

0:57:50.4 S2: You would wanna see me in a movie with a range, but we would have him on the show. I personally reach out to him and see what I can do to an… Alright, and Elizabeth, tell us about fire, fire side, how is that going to these days…

0:58:08.5 S1: Well, it’s going. Still going. So for those of you who don’t know what Fire is his Fireside directory, it’s a video director of small businesses, and there are a whole bunch of moving parts. It, I’ve done the interviews of the small business owners and put their things on video, and right now I’m kind of in the tech stage, I did a lot of interviewing stage a little bit of tech. Now, I’m really… We’ve written a patent application and filed it about a number of tech innovations that we have around this project.

0:58:40.2 S2: But we’re still not gonna tell you to.

0:58:42.6 S1: Epirus much as we can, but right now I’m working with the website person because there’s a certain way… I want the website to look… And that was the challenge was finding somebody who would just do the back and use my design, because everybody that’s doing websites now, and I’ve talked to a lot of people doing websites over this past year, during quarantine, they all wanna start with the branding and make it this whole brand thing, it’s like, this is not the same kind of website is like the cure heart law website, for instance. If you wanna do that for your heart law that works. This is… It’s different, and that’s why it’s been so hard to find somebody to do the website, ’cause I have to kinda get what the project is, and a lot of it’s hard to explain, There’s something moving pieces to it.

0:59:26.0 S2: That’s great, yeah. And set your business on fire with fire side… Can.

0:59:35.9 S1: You come up with the tagline? Igniting connections. I love that. That’s probably a tethered sign and logo, she decided to logo too, so I have some good health there.

0:59:45.5 S2: Thank you for your patience with that last remark, and I… Now, time to go on to our presenters. So would you introduce Rinaldo?

0:59:54.9 S1: I would love to introduce for now that if you are a dog lover and seriously, really love your dog, I know read us because what he’s come up with is pretty amazing. And I’m going to let him explain it, so… Ranade with Petite dot com. Welcome Renaldo.

1:00:12.2 S2: Ali, thank you for having me. Yeah, I’m happy just to jump in until I run a little bit about petite, really starting with our mission, which is to enable deeper, longer and more meaningful relationships between people and their pets, we do this through exceptional quality dog food route and veterinary science, and it all started just based on my experience as a consultant for a number of years, by happenstance, I was staffed at a variety of pet food manufacturers while I was working at companies such as McKinsey and Company, or a Cameron, one of the leading private equity companies in the world and I just saw all of the ingredients going into our dog’s food, I was able to look at the packaging and see they would have a picture of steak or chicken brass on the front of a dog food bag, and that was not what was going into the products, then marry that with a little bit of… We were talking about earlier, people focus on their own health and well-being… Well, if you look at the health and well-being of our pets, it’s a little bit of a bleak picture, 60% of them are obese or overweight, most are dying of cancer, and I was able to, in my own view, and correlate the quality of the ingredients and the quality of the cooking processes with the health outcomes of our pets and animals, so I started cooking for one of my dogs, I really helped manage a stomach issue that he had, and after that, I was really convinced that this was very much the wave of the future, if you look that…

1:01:45.3 S2: You’re telling me that 60% of our pets have cancer or… Dive. Cancer, yes. Die of cancer. Okay, and do you think that’s attributable to the food that they eat, so you look at the quality of what’s in a standard traditional dog food is actually made from what they call the 4D, so dead dying, disease and disabled animals, so nothing that it goes into standard kibble or wet food that you’re feeding your dog or cat for that matter, would actually be allowed to be fed to a human… There’s actually someone at a meet slaughter house or wherever this is coming from, usually from countries outside of the US, where they said You cannot feed that to people for whatever reason, whatever it was used to kill the animal or and how the animals actually processed, so that’s the time, very protein source for… So that goes into kibble. Most of them don’t know that. And why don’t we know about this? This is like, This isn’t… This isn’t to be trying to lead into, Oh my God, there are three big companies that are evil yet data, but at the end of the day, most cable, traditional dog food is made by Nestle and Mars, and there’s been a lot of money in education in terms of This is how you should feed your pets, a lot of people find a convenient and a lot of people just almost set it and forget it, but we’re out to change that at pelayo, help educate customers, let them know about the quality and the benefits of human grade dog food, as well as the ability to personalize their pets meal plans with fresh cooked meals that are made only using the ingredients you’d feed your family at a USDA manufacturer, ship to you and convenient containers that are easy to portion.

1:03:34.4 S2: We really are trying to make, for everyone, we consider our dog’s part of our family, we think they should have an experience is like that, so that’s how we’ve modeled our website, that’s how we thought about our Customer Experience, and that’s level of quality, mean to bring to our customers on a daily basis, right? Well, I’m just really shocked about… Me, think about it, you could buy a 40-pound bag of dog food for 20… What… You can’t even buy McDonalds for that, right? So think about the quality that that must be for them to be able to sell it to you and still get their margins, etcetera. So that’s what I found out while being a consultant, decided that’s not what I wanted to feed my pets and realize that similar, you were mentioning earlier about on Facebook, the largest subset of users now are baby boomers, etcetera, were now the largest owners of pets are millennials, and soon to be Gen Z. And traditionally, I think what you’ve seen is we don’t wanna use the same brand as our parents, we focus a lot more on health, well-being in nutrition, and that’s also been moving in towards our pet, so there’s been a trend of better for you, dog food, better for you cat food, a trend of humanitarian of your pets, and I think that companies like pet later, the penultimate of that, and that’s where we’re shooting for…

1:04:58.0 S2: And that’s what we hope pato looks like another 10 to 20 years from now.

1:05:02.1 S1: Yes, the millennials definitely treat their pets like children, I do too, but my son.

1:05:06.8 S2: But our cats are overweight, that meant the catheter, Somebody feeds them all the time.

1:05:14.3 S1: So they’re studying his wife live on the fourth floor of this apartment complex, and the one dog hurt her leg I… She’s for pound on. So my son was carrying her up and down three flights of stairs so she can go through her business, and he got covid and he’d have been back to me that… So we got a mild case, when he got it, he’s still carrying the docket.

1:05:39.3 S2: Work, they are… There are extensions of the family by Docker will be at my wedding plaster rings when he’s in, he’s locking it down the aisle, but I don’t think 10 years ago, you would have seen too many dogs and wedding ceremonies. Now, it’s kind of a common thing. So when you think about how cultures, etcetera, change over the years, and I think there have been some Harvard studies that have been done, the mere fact of owning a pet means you’re less likely to be depressed, you can extend your life expectancy, so there’s a lot of benefits to having a pet in the household, and I think it’s important for us to pay that back towards it that… Sure, I mean, we have a very loud cat that keeps us up at night so that our life expectancy goes down a little bit, she’s really… Also, what are your thoughts?

1:06:32.3 S1: Well, I am an animal ever… Hopefully, you couldn’t hear all my dog’s barking and making noises in the back, and I just love your mission. I love what you’re doing. I am an avid dog rescue or foster or whatever, if there is an animal in need, it always finds my front door, especially if it has a large vet bill behind it, it always seems to find my front door, so I hope that you continue to spread the message and educate people on what we’re feeding our animals, and it really does impact their health, just like what we eat impacts our health, so gonna help spread your mission to… To all of my dog loving or an animal loving risers.

1:07:11.3 S2: Thank you. And I really appreciate it a lot. What you mentioned in terms of growing and scaling your team at pet plate, we’re now a team of 25 full-time, you group in some part-time people are probably close to a 25, you have an outsource dev shop, so we’ve been growing and scaling since we all one business back in 2016, and figuring out hiring is definitely a hard thing for startups to do, particularly when you don’t necessarily have the funds for a certain high-level executives, so you delivered a lot of really good feedback on one, your part.

1:07:44.3 S1: So I just… Do you have a dog?

1:07:47.7 S2: I don’t have a dog, but my two kids, I think they love… I mean, they’re addicted to dogs, like I up with the dogs. Kenosha.

1:08:04.0 S1: Do you think? I have a dog and I also have a sister who’s a veterinarian, so we grew up with a very healthy pet consciousness in our household, and I just was curious, are there any ingredients in the pet food that’s out there now that should be red flags for us I know for humans, it’s like no red day, no red… Is it the same when it comes to that food eat.

1:08:28.7 S2: A lot of retailers, for example, Petco just said they’re going to not sell dog food, etcetera, that has artificial preserve… It is artificial colors and things like that, and then many more so a lot of those things are now… Sorry to make their way out of Tedford. But unfortunately, when you look at just the overall protein content and where that comes from, it comes from basically meat meals, so you can vision that as basically a protein powder that’s coming from the dead dying disease, the four Ds that we’ve mentioned from earlier, and that’s what we’re feeding our pets, and unfortunately that’s not as digestible as fresh cupped, real ingredients, etcetera, that we use at petite, so whereas pet play and we’ve done the testing would be 90 plus percent digestible on protein fat and overall, so that means you’re actually getting… And I was organizing the nutrients that kibble might be in the 60s or 70s because of that, so that’s where I think it’s a super… And to decide what they would like to feed their pet with benefits with their lifestyle and peppy, we were hard to continue innovating and so that we can address different spectrums of pet owners and what they can afford and what works for their lifestyles.

1:09:43.2 S2: So when you talk about cooking, dog food is all dog food cooked or is this something special that you do, I guess… So most dog food would be cooked, kills, cooked like 500 degrees Fahrenheit, so really is sapping most of the ingredients of their nutrients, etcetera. But a pet plate, we do a fresh Cole cooking process, very similar to if you were probably trying to make dog food at home on it stop. When I started pet played, I quit my job in private equity, and I was biking around New York City of the Living down food, making it out of a commercial kitchen, and we really modeled the larger pet play process now, ’cause we’ve shifted up words of 20 million meals to pet parents across the US now, so we have a large USDA kitchen that makes all of our food and we kick everything fresh, it’s in flash frozen and pre-portion for each one of operant and impact and distribution and ship directly to their door, so we’re a direct to consumer business, we’re starting to dabble in retail, so brick and mortar has been a new experience for us there, but in general, our cooking process follows the same processes, if you’re making a high-end human chilly, some people do feed their dogs or a pet food, that’s another popular and growing segment in the category of trying to just give back to ancestral roots for dogs, but a lot of our pet parents would prefer not to handle and deal with grommets, we’re really nice, a middle ground of something that’s slightly processed, balance and design by veterinarian, and then convenient.

1:11:20.3 S1: Also, do you have any plans for cat food, and that’s my first question, my Barford, my second question is, Why do my cats hate the food that I cook on the stove for them from… Good ingredients will touch it.

1:11:33.2 S2: Rational. So we are working on cats, the funny thing about cats is they’re very, very finicky, so I believe dogs might have 500 taste buds and can only pick up a couple of different flavors, cats, I believe, as you have more taste buds than humans and begin… Or notoriously finicky, texture is also very important to cat, so there’s a lot of research and data that goes into making sure that the right flavor profiles are being added to a pet plate, we had all natural flavors to our food. Also, maybe you’re not using things that we would use a pet plate, such as liver and other things that would be highly palatable to a cat, so if you toss in some of those things that may help, you have to be careful with this, but they do like humans and enjoy a little bit assault. So making sure that there’s the right flavor profile for cat is sometimes sometimes hard to do, so we’re doing a lot of work and research on that before we launch products just because of how finicky they can be, but hopefully in the next 18 months, we’ll have something in the market for that.

1:12:42.2 S2: Do.

1:12:42.3 S1: You had any Rothman? I just love that. No, donate, this has been fun, and I think you’re really on to something here. I do think it’s gonna be easier to get the dog to like in the cast, ’cause I have tried this for cast, but I’m waiting to try what you come up with, I will certainly try it for my COE.

1:13:07.8 S2: Certainly, if it’s healthier, maybe that means fewer trips to the bat too. Right, so it could be a mess, smelly cat, a man that’s a little standardise embarrassed that you mentioned that on the radio…

1:13:22.5 S1: Oh well, really? You think she would care to that anyway.

1:13:28.8 S2: I go home and ask her to see what you say.

1:13:30.9 S1: So anyway, so for listeners, if you wanna find this dog food, soon to be cat food as well, it’s petite dot com, pretty easy to remember. So we are out time for this segment, but we have our wrap-up coming all goes through very O’s websites again, you are listening to passage to profit the inventor show with Richard and Elizabeth Gearhart, and we will be right back.

1:13:52.7 S2: Welcome back, everybody, Richard and the chart with passage to profit. And I am just so over the top this evening because I think we’ve just had a fantastic show and I’ve loved all of our guests and I’ve learned so much and anyway, why…

1:14:10.5 S1: Why don’t you all recap about who was here, why don’t you give a little recap about who is here…

1:14:16.9 S2: That’s a.

1:14:17.4 S1: Leningrad, I thought of it. So our guest was Jen Thornton with 304 Coaching. If you need to put together a team that will make you profit or because they won’t have a bad team, and you need to talk to Jen because she’s an expert at putting together a protective team.

1:14:35.8 S2: Performance counts in the entrepreneurial world, and it really comes down to the people that you’ve got and how they work together.

1:14:41.8 S1:, and then we had a cheetah in the wall on just a groundbreaking innovator in the digital space, really.

1:14:52.9 S2: And before we move on, actually received an email from Steve Jobs, which must have been very motivating, and so… Can you tell us what you were doing that caught Steve Jobs? I… Yeah, so we started by Min 2009, this was right at the beginning of when App Store was launched, and we were working with the monastery school to bring teaching A B-C-D, one, two, three, four on iPad. And this was very early days, app number 54 or something, and we launched this app and in 48 hours we got this email, I love what you’re doing. Let me know how I can help. Best, Steve. And when we got this, we were like, There’s no way, this is what we think this is someone is playing around with us, we exchange for emails and the rest is history, it was definitely one of the things which kept as going… It took us three to four years early on to get a solid footing into the business, and that email was definitely very inspirational.

1:16:07.3 S1: So you can find a cheetah in a wall with Y Media Labs at MLC, truly an innovator in the digital space for brands. If you wanna get ahead of your competitors, go look at his website and a future thinker too, so always nice to be in the company of a future thinker. Right, and we had Kenya Gibson Gibson of the P. Kenya Gibson at iHeartMedia dot com, did our power move today. And Kenya actually was the one who had the idea for the show, and I have been running with it for more than three years since, and she’s very creative and has incredible ideas for her clients at heart, if you wanna be on the radio, which is much cheaper than TV or you want digital marketing ideas, Ken? As a person to ask.

1:16:56.6 S2: Right, and I also learned more about asking kosher today and… Yeah, from Kenya. So Thank you, Ken, for that, we really appreciate you.

1:17:06.0 S1: And then last, but certainly not least, we had Renaldo web with Peta who certainly gave me an education on what we’re giving our animals to eat and not a… We should change that. Yeah, the four Ds, if you did mirrors presentation, you need to go back and listen to the podcast, we… Coasts are kind of grow…

1:17:26.3 S2: We’re gonna have to start trapping live animals for our catheters.

1:17:31.5 S1: But anyway, his website is petite dot com if you wanna feed your animals dogs right now, but cats soon, higher quality food and you can buy at the grocery store right now. That’s where you need to go.

1:17:42.9 S2: We wanna see the gore version too, so just not limit into everyday food, but we went to special anniversaries and dog birthdays and everything we want to call special.

1:17:54.7 S1: Exactly, so if you missed any of these wonderful presenters because everybody here was really good, they’ll be on our YouTube channel, they’ll be on our podcast wherever you listen to your podcast, and I would encourage you to hear what they have to say… Absolutely.

1:18:09.4 S2: But before we go, we like a few comments from our guests and closing… So, Jen, what are your thoughts?

1:18:17.4 S1: What I love about our time together today is all of us have had a different idea, and there is no cross-over, there’s nothing similar than any of us do, but all of us came together and had this incredible conversation about creating a business that’s successful. And I just hope that reminds all your listeners, if you’re thinking, Givat an idea, and you think, Gosh, could ever be done. Here today there are five different people with five different businesses, and it absolutely can be done.

1:18:44.8 S2: Okay, that’s great. Actually, yeah, I think my takeaway would be that culture is not what you put in slight decks and on your wall culture is a lot about the action you take, and not just what you say, but what you do. It’s a lot about the kind of action which is promoted in the company, the kind of action which is discouraged in the company… That’s what culture is. Great, Renaldo. My big takeaway from this is really think about what’s gonna make a difference in the future and how you can add that into your business, whether it’s in the product you’re thinking about developing, how you’re using technology, or what’s going to help you protect your company in terms of the next event. Probably people. So I think a lot of good insights coming up from today can… Those are tough acts to follow.

1:19:43.4 S1: It… You put me last, I’m like, Well, what I will say is, I think I would try to find a common thread in the conversations that we have here on passage to cuff, and I would say the common thread today is a sustainability, because we talk to Jen about building a sustainable workplace in a work force, and then we talked about sustainable shopping experiences with why media labs and then sustainable eating for pets with pet plate. So I just always love to have conversations where it all kind of pulls together into one common theme, so that’s my takeaway for today.

1:20:17.0 S2: That was very artful and way to make us person of a bunch of sous years as a son, years we be talking about… I thought, Well, maybe sales wasn’t the right term, I don’t know, but I… Aaaa.

1:20:31.4 S1: Great way to tie everything together and it was various student, right.

1:20:34.9 S2: Nobody’s a… Sausalito is just as much as you are.

1:20:44.9 S1: To heist.

1:20:48.3 S2: An old phrase from the farm, so… Anyway, anyway, well, you wanna… You well, that’s another discussion, but thank you everybody for listening to passage to profit and thanks to our fantastic, wonderful guests, really enjoyed being here tonight, and thank you for listening to our audience, you’re… We love you to keep the texts and the cards and the letters coming in, and I also wanna take the opportunity to thank our team that makes all of this possible, our producer, Knowles in our program coordinator, Alicia Morris, our video editor, chatter, boss, and the whole iHeart Tim.

1:21:36.9 S1: It’s a jen’s point without Noah Flashman. None of this is possible.

1:21:41.4 S2: That’s right, and he’s the real person maker.

1:21:45.0 S1: He was a good choice for this team.

1:21:46.8 S2: He really was, and so we’re signing off for now, so join us for another exciting episode of passage to profit coming at you next week. And you’re listening to Richard and Elizabeth Gerhart on iHeart Radio, passage to profit or 710, the voice of New York. Is a sour you? No, you can put that.

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