Digital Curiosity: The Skill Every Leader Needs (Like Yesterday)

Here’s a mind-blowing fact for you…a lot of the technology we use and rely on today, didn’t exist a few years ago. Which means, tomorrow’s technology might still just be a big idea in someone’s brain. 

….I’ll let that sink in. 

Technology is moving faster than it ever has, and it’s going to continue to speed up. 

What we know how to use today is going to be outdated in a blink. As leaders, we have to keep up, both in our competencies, and how we hire and how our teams continue to innovate. 

 If you don’t have digital curiosity, you’ll always be left behind by new tools and trends, and that might as well be light years behind. How do we embrace this new competency and let it permeate the roots of our organizations? 

In this episode, I talk about why digital curiosity has to be part of the continuous growth of leaders and our teams. 


Technology is moving faster than it ever has, and it’s going to continue to speed up. What we know how to use today is going to be outdated in a blink. -Jen Thornton


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