Warm Up With A Hot Cup Of Leadership

Great leadership makes people feel like they’ve gathered around a warm fire on a chilly day - something I’m sure many of us are wishing for right now! That inviting, warm glow doesn’t happen on its own, though. We need logs, kindling, branches, and matches to start the fire and then more firewood to keep it burning. So, what are some of the key ingredients of our leadership fire?


Communication - it’s hard to keep your team warm if you don’t master the different layers of it. To learn more check out: Just Like an Onion: The Layers of Communication Every Leader Must Master

Authenticity - you can’t lead properly if you’re not being you, and your team won’t feel the warmth if they can’t be themselves. Try this episode for more on authenticity: Go From Perfectly Polished to Authentically You

Nothing stamps out the warm glow like blame - so we must keep that away from our fire. Learn how to Break Free From the Blame Game!

Learn more about each of these key facets of leadership in more detail, and I hope it keeps you warm on this wintery day!





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