HR’keting: Talent from the Inside Out. Unifying objectives through one filter.

What if organizations started investing just as much on marketing to the people on the inside as they do on the outside? What would happen if companies put the same effort into communicating their vision, values, and mission to the people who are already employed there, as they do to the customers?

Imagine a world where we encourage people to flow from various department to various department, building transformational and transferable skills that only improve the overall ecosystem.

How would loyalty grow, recruitment ease, and the leadership pipeline strengthen if we treated the team with as much enchantment as we do our leads and prospects?

I posit that this would be a people-plan “done right,” a thoughtful, multi-layered, assumption-free strategy that would support people in different chapters of their careers and reinforce the connection to a unified vision driving the success of the organization.

“I am able to grow in my career in a company I believe in and the reverse is also true, full stop.”

If you are looking for innovative ways to drive the talent strategy of your team, group, or department, consider an integrative approach: blend a little HR and a little Marketing with a whole-lotta education, empowerment, and culture building.

Today’s most forward thinking companies are looking to move some of their marketing resources from external to internal. They know that a team that can withstand any challenge, meet any goal, and realize a vision together needs to have total buy-in…and in order for them to buy in to us, we need to buy in to them.

Now, that’s how you deliver on-brand promises.

Yours in inspired connectivity and preaching to the choir,


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