Instead of fighting the frenetic, embrace the electric

What makes us awesome is what gets us in trouble.

Hey there. I’m often reminded how my leadership style hasn’t changed much over the years, but attitudes about it sure have. What moves 304 Coaching forward in doing amazing work for incredible clients are the exact same things that used to get me in trouble.

You might say that going out as an independent coach/consultant was the game changer, but the truth is that to truly step into my “awesome” I had to learn how to manage the superpowers that, when untamed, have a strong tendency to “go rogue”.

I’ve always believed that we can’t change the world with how we’ve always done it, which requires a commitment to experimentation and innovation. Nothing rubs the status quo the wrong way like chaos. To truly effect change, we must manage the mania.

Instead of fighting the frenetic, embrace the electric.

Those magical moments in your work (everything is in alignment, and you’ve truly figured out a better way to do something and have the team to execute it) are worth the pain and frustration of innovation ♻️ iteration.

Just remember, what makes us awesome at doing that can also be the thing that gets us in trouble. If you’re an “idea factory” and you don’t have much to show for it but a glut of unfinished projects, what makes you awesome can also get you in trouble.

Manage the mania by embracing your core competencies and letting go of the need to control all-of-the-things.

Then, and only then, can you own your superpower. Otherwise, it owns you.

Yours in balanced badassery,


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