Leaning into LinkedIn

Howdy. Did you know that LinkedIn is one of the most robust publishing platforms in the world? This year, we’re embracing the opportunity to publish our own special brand of thought leadership in an original voice on this powerful platform.

If you have enjoyed the content we share, there’s more where that came from over on our company page.

Each week Team 304 will be publishing articles, observations, videos, and podcast episodes all about the subjects most near and dear to our heart: the future of the workplace. We’re exploring how progressive leadership can usher in an age of innovation and paradigm-shifting performance. Won’t you join us?

No pressure, but if you are loving LinkedIn lately, hop over to the 304 company page and give a follow.  (And if you really, really like our voice and vibe, click on the little bell on the upper left-hand corner of our page, just underneath the cover graphic. You can choose just how much 304 original content you’d like to see, or how little.)

Recently we published an article called “What Can Leadership Coaching Do for Your Career?that helps you get the most out of your coaching experiences. And there’s plenty more where that came from. We have a wagonful of valuable leadership coaching content ready to share.

Is there any particular topic you’d like to do a deep dive into? Reach out to us and let us know. It could be the subject of a future article, podcast episode, or YouTube video.

The best way to elevate the conversation is to keep talking. What’s got you wondering about the ways in which we can fix leadership when it’s broken and double down on it when it’s not?

Yours in voracious reading and the relentless pursuit of knowledge building,

PS Do you love reading as much as I do? Check out my 2022 fav-or-ites that must make your radar over on my personal profile.

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