MEET Say This, Not That, the YouTube Series


Our words impact our influence.

The language of leadership has a profound effect on our ability to motivate and energize high-performing individuals and teams.

If you’re curious about how to reframe communication to inspire a vibrant team of doers, thinkers, and creators, check out these short-shots of executive leadership coaching and lessons learned from neuroscience that transform interpersonal interaction.

WATCH Say This, Not That 

This is the video series and dedicated YouTube channel that delivers lessons learned from neuroscience and the language of leadership that will forge the insight and understanding to be a compelling communicator.

Everything from “The Sh*t Sandwich” to “Failure vs. Experiment,” we pull back the curtain on how the words we use everyday make or break our ability to influence and inspire.

Enjoy, like, subscribe, and share if you want to see more content like this on YouTube; it helps us know where to be the most UMMPH! in our content development.



Getting leaders in a growth mindset and elevating the language and landscape of leadership. Coaching | Consulting | Custom Education

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