Synthesizing: A Must-Have Superpower & How You Can Develop It

Have you ever wondered how some people can take the most disparate dots floating all over the place and connect them into one cohesive, powerful idea? 

Like some sort of computer, they see intersections where others see separate concepts and have a knack for finding the missing links that transform everything. That project your team has hit a wall on? They can see the solution instantly. That plan you thought was iron-clad? They can (lovingly) poke holes in it in seconds. 

Ever wonder how in the world did they do it?

These people are synthesizers. They have the incredible superpower to collect information, see the unseeable intersections, and understand how each intersection impacts the others. They make a coherent whole out of all of the parts. 👊 

I think we can all agree we need more coherent wholes in the workplace! 

Want to become a world-class synthesizer? In this episode, we’ll explore why synthesizing is a competency that will boost your organization and how to develop it.

If you have the ability to hear and connect all the dots and see the bigger picture, you have the natural ability to synthesize information and create a coherent whole. - Jen Thornton

Make Synthesizing Part of Your Culture

Build roadmaps in your mind
Too often, our teams find themselves down a path on a project or product only to realize something isn’t connecting. So much time is wasted! When you have the ability to synthesize, you can hear pieces of information and how they fit together. Saving precious resources and building better outcomes. 

Become a super synthesizer
If synthesizing information doesn’t come naturally to you, no problem; you can build up this muscle over time. How? Just start listening more - no, I mean really listening. In every conversation, think about the root cause, and start to find the separate strings that connect it all together. 

Listen to the synthesizer
Sometimes a synthesizer can feel like such a downer, poking holes into the fantastic ideas you’ve come up with, but your team needs them. We’ve got blind spots, and if someone can identify them early, why not listen to them?

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