SEE IT IN ACTION: Neuroscience-Inspired Innovative and Interactive Training for the Natural Diamond Council


Trainings, they’re not just for employee onboarding anymore. When 304 Coaching’s own Ann Remy set out to transform the way the National Diamond Council (NDC) educates its audiences, she went hard on the convergence of design thinking and the neuroscience of adult learning.

The results? Ann and the NDC co-created an interactive visual tool that serves to elevate brand awareness and engage stakeholders in powerful ways.

This is corporate training turned marketing asset reflects the quality of both the information and the user experience. NDC’s COO has made Ann’s Interactive Education Episodes a cornerstone of her own signature presentation.

Great job, Ann! We’re so proud of the way you bring progressive leadership to life through the lens of quality training and education.

Watch: Natural Diamond Council: Interactive Education Episodes Presentation

If your company is looking to double down on innovative leadership training to weave brand  awareness and adult education into the media mix when you welcome people into your world, just reply back to this email. Let’s make the magic happen.



304 is the Talent Strategy & Leadership Consultant and Neuroscience Expert that helps organizations understand how the brain wants to work so that we can thrive at work. Learn more about neuroleadership.

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