This ain’t your momma’s leadership podcast

By the time you read this, I will have more than a few podcast episodes already released to the world. “Let’s Fix Leadership” is the audio adventure that seeks to hone your leadership chops in 20 minutes or less.

This is not going to be your typical leadership podcast. While interviews, live coaching, micro-workshops, and everyday exercises are all on the table, no two episodes are the same.

Just like progressive leadership, it takes a trillion little course corrections daily to stay ahead of crisis fatigue, culture wars, and the death knell of “the way we’ve always done it.”

I will be radically transparent about the things that keep leadership striving, not thriving. And, more importantly, what we can do about it. I’ll be the voice of reason on topics like: “perfectionism is a tool of fear,” “I don’t see it but change my mind,” and “how to create a sense of winning on a long-term project.”

If you love podcasts and want to come along on this radio rodeo—all in the name of resetting the rules of how to lead a team to peak performance and living our best lives—stay tuned. “Let’s Fix Leadership” first dropped February 23, 2023!

Yours in the power of the podcast and the language of leadership,

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