
Let’s Fix Leadership


Lead with curiosity.

Say goodbye to the old mode of fear-based leadership—all authority, anxiety, and directives—and say hello to progressive leadership and a growth mindset. Today, we're inspiring team performance through curiosity, specialization, and influence.

Let’s Fix Leadership, the podcast, is about the health and wellness of the “people part” of your organization and company culture. Never miss an opportunity, experience, exploration, or understanding, and breathe life into your leadership style.

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Dealing With a Disappointing Leader (Without Damaging Your Career)

June 1, 2023

Let me paint an all too familiar picture for you. A new leader comes into your organization, you’re so excited to work with them and learn from them. Then you discover they don’t […]

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Back by Popular Demand: 15 Questions That Drive Discovery

May 25, 2023

A few weeks ago, I shared 15 questions that drive innovation, and y’all loved them. (If you missed them, you can check them out here) I wanted to share more powerful questions that […]

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Are You Reacting or Responding? The Mission-Critical Skill Every Leader Must Master

May 18, 2023

When things go wrong in our organizations, the common immediate reaction is panic… and when we are in a state of panic, we stop thinking clearly, and then we react.  Unfortunately, this sequence […]

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Feedback Isn’t Always a Gift: Here’s How It Can Hamper Your Greatness

May 11, 2023

Feedback, they say, is always good for us. It’s necessary, strengthens our weaknesses, and makes us better, right? Well…not always.  Sometimes feedback, even if it’s well-meaning, can do more harm than good. It […]

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15 Awesome Questions to Drive Your Innovation

May 4, 2023

As leaders, we can either have a team full of innovative thinkers or a team too scared to share their thoughts and ideas. This distinction is driven entirely by the kinds of questions […]

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Are You Leading With Purpose or Leading Not to Lose?

April 27, 2023

There are two ways to lead – from a place of purpose or from a fight-or-flight place where you’re just doing everything you can to not lose. Newsflash: one way sets your organization […]

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Don’t Be A ‘Straight A’ Adult

April 20, 2023

This episode goes out to all my perfectionists out there (you know who you are). Everything you do needs to be A+++ work and nothing less, and you’re constantly stressed, burnt out, and […]

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The Fallacy of False Priorities & How to Start Focusing on What Matters

April 13, 2023

Are false priorities holding you back from what you truly want? Do you find that the thing you should be focused on gets overshadowed by something not as important?  I can give you […]

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Vanity Work: How to Banish it From Your Workplace Forever

April 6, 2023

Spending hours on busy work that doesn’t impact the business? Attending meetings we shouldn’t be in because our ego wants us there? Filling our to-do lists with meaningless tasks because we *have* to? […]

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Synthesizing: A Must-Have Superpower & How You Can Develop It

March 30, 2023

Have you ever wondered how some people can take the most disparate dots floating all over the place and connect them into one cohesive, powerful idea?  Like some sort of computer, they see […]

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When it comes to the health and wellness of your organization and culture… the growth mindset starts with you.

The world is changing and it’s time to bring our leadership styles along for the ride. (And thanks to cutting-edge neuroscience, we now have access to new tools and new language that inspires action, collaboration, and innovation in the modern workplace.)

Let's Fix Leadership is a podcast designed to bring you the best of these cutting-edge tools, exercises, best practices, and modern leadership strategies - every week. 

Whether you're a company leader, corporate visionary, intrapreneur, or entrepreneur, this show gives you new insights into the neuroscience and language of leadership, as well as practical steps and tips you can take back to the office.

The purpose of this audio adventure is application. It’s our goal that after listening to even just a single 10-minute episode, you can implement impactful improvements and boost the powerful ways you are leading your teams. 

Let's Fix Leadership is here to keep you in the growth mindset that inspires happiness and engagement with your people AND your biggest goals.

Because no one ever changed the world by doing things the way they've always been done.

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Be the first to know about new episodes, exclusive content, and extra special audio adventures. For intrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between who needs to look at leadership through a fresh lens.

Meet your Host, Jen Thornton Entrepreneur, Public Speaker, and Subject-Matter-Expert on Progressive Leadership and Talent Strategy for Global Organizations on the Grow

Jennifer has developed her expertise in Talent Strategy & Leadership Development over her exciting 20+ year career as an HR Professional. She’s led international teams across Greater China, Mexico, the U.K., and the U.S. to expand into new markets, managing brands and franchise businesses.

Running a high-performance team always boils down to two things: Adopting a “Perfect-Fit” hiring process and developing each hire according to his or her own individual and job-specific talent gaps.

More about 304

Challenges and change are inevitable, together we can rise to the occasion.

When progressive businesses and visionary organizations need to foster an environment of learning, experimentation, and innovation, developing a healthy and happy workforce is the name of the game. 304 is the Talent Strategy, Leadership Consultant, and Neuroscience Expert that delivers coaching, consulting, and custom programs that positively shape company cultures, impact and empower employees, and build beautiful businesses.

Cultivate a talent strategy that contributes to company culture, supports business growth, and strengthens the leadership pipeline.

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