
Is your company heading towards the talent cliff?

Is your company heading towards the talent cliff? What talent do you need? 0:00:00.0 S1: An executive group to really give up their own needs and effort to think about the organization. Organizations just thrive. It’s incredible, but it’s not easy to get there, and you have to have some really tough conversations around that. […]

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Using Conversational Intelligence to Build a Culture

In this podcast, we chat about what the industry of human resources can make possible for people and our organizations, and each episode will have raw conversation around inner development and organizational culture change to create a working world we’re both people and organizations thrive. Thank you for listening. Now, let’s get this episode started. […]

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Don’t Be Addicted to Being Right

This episode is packed full of interesting and insightful information regarding communication strategy, pitfalls and concrete advice on conversational intelligence, the future of communication and how you can sidestep getting caught in the “Addiction to Being Right” trap. 0:00:02.1 S1: Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. You’re the first one in, last one […]

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Are you addicted to being right?

Now, more than ever, we need to have conversations at all levels. We need to hear what people are saying and, as leaders, to get insight as to where do we go. And yet, I find a lot of leaders being afraid to open up, perhaps to say that they don’t really know and to […]

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How to Handle Employees who are Addicted to Being Right

We’ve all heard of addictions.  From the usual suspects, drugs and alcohol, to the odd, eating cigarette ashes and broken glass.  But did you know that there are some folks who are addicted to being right?  Our guest, Jennifer Thornton of 304 Coaching talks to us about this addiction and gives us strategies on how to handle […]

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How to Hire the Right People for Your Business

Join Andrew Lees with his guest, Jennifer Thornton of 304 Coaching as they talk about talent strategy and everything about getting the right person on the team. In this episode, Jennifer shares her experience in building 304 Coaching and what she believed was the most important lesson she had to take to make her entrepreneurial […]

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Why Throwing Payroll at a Problem Does Not Get to the Root of Solving the Issue

We dive into why throwing payroll at a problem does not get to the root of solving the issue and what the future of work-place communication will look like. 0:00:02.9 S1: Thank you for joining us today on Positively Charged Biz. We are here to motivate, inspire and support our listeners as they write their […]

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When should a business begin to think about talent strategy?

Listen below to hear what Jennifer has to say when it comes to businesses thinking about talent strategies. 0:00:06.2 S1: So to this is the Jason Cavness experience hosted by Jason Cavness. Joined Jason as you talk to small business owners and start-up founders, when other interesting people as we gained great insights about business […]

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How You Can Do a Better Job of Empowering and Engaging Team Members

In this episode of the Transformative Leader Podcast, I’m happy to bring you a conversation with business and leadership coach, Jen Thornton, about the seven deadly sins of leadership that no one is talking about, and how leaders can overcome the temptation of committing them. Some of those sins, such as being addicted to being […]

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Leadership in the New Normal

…leading in the 21st century, I think those competencies look different, communication may not be about inspiring, it may be around helping people understand how to work through fear, because with unpredictability, we have a natural fear that comes in, and I think just the competency of leading an unpredictable moment, that’s a competency that […]

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Amping Up Your Conversational Intelligence to Enhance Your Leadership Impact

“We have to humanize ourselves first and really start to think about how do we humanize others around us.” -Jen Episode highlights: Obstacles to leadership Key elements of innovation leadership Leadership requires trust and trust requires curiosity The value of being open to failure Key obstacles to living a culture that embraces failure as a […]

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How Talent Management Can Help Accelerate Growth

Learn how talent management can help accelerate growth with Jennifer Thornton. Transcript: 0:00:01.9 S1: The Virtual CMO Podcast is sponsored by the Strategic Marketing Consulting Services of The Five Echelon Group. If you’d like to work directly with The Five Echelon Group and receive personal coaching and support to optimize your business, enhance your marketing […]

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Fear Is Just A Chemical Reaction With Jen Thornton

Learn how fear is just a chemical reaction with Jen Thornton Transcript: 00:03 S1: Hello. Good morning, sir, how are you? 00:08 S2: I’m doing well, it’s time for another action-packed episode of the tripod podcast 00:13 S1: Who… I just need everybody to know I’m doing Springs right now, and you go… That’s very […]

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The 7 Deadly Sins of Leadership No One Talks About with Jennifer Thornton

Telltale signs you can use to IDENTIFY any of the 7 Deadly Sins you may be committing Why the original 7 Deadly Sins perfectly correlate to MISTAKES leaders make The WARNING SIGNALS of “lower functions” – The keys to avoiding lesser habits How RECOGNITION, SELF-CONTROL, and the right COACHING have saved other leaders Transcript: 00:04 […]

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Calling On You With Jen Thornton

Jennifer’s called in to share her experience with fear and how it became a moment that would alter her life path completely. Jennifer shares her story about accepting a new role in her company to travel overseas and help open stores while her company expanded globally. Her saying yes to the opportunity caught her by […]

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Team Success With Jennifer Thornton

Jennifer Thornton talks about team success with Aruna Krishnan on Lead That Thing podcast. Transcript: 00:03 S1: On this episode of Lead That Thing, I talk to Jen Thornton, talent strategist and leadership development coach. 00:15 S2: Welcome back, everyone. Today, my guest is Jen Thornton. Jen has developed her expertise in talent strategy and […]

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Trading Fear for Innovation

Welcome to Episode 249 of the Today’s Leader Podcast. Our special guest today is JENNIFER THORNTON, A.C.C., FOUNDER and it was a great conversation.  As Jen says, running a high-performance team always boils down to two things, Adopting a “perfect fit” hiring process and developing each hire according to his or her own individual and […]

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Always have to be right?

Today Jennifer and I discuss, Addicted to Being Right: The Deadly Sins of Leadership No one is Talking About & How to Fix Them with Conversational Intelligence®. This is a fascinating topic and the tips Jennifer offers are ones you can immediately apply to your life, business or relationships. Transcript 00:01 S1: Welcome to Savvy […]

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Let’s Build A Better Boss with Jen Thornton

We’ve all heard of addictions.  From the usual suspects, drugs and alcohol, to the odd, eating cigarette ashes and broken glass.  But did you know that there are some folks who are addicted to being right?  Our guest, Jennifer Thornton of 304 Coaching talks to us about this addiction and gives us strategies on how to handle […]

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Does Your Team Lack Creativity and Inspiration Because Of Over-Management?

Learn how over-management creates an environment that lacks creativity and inspiration. Learn more about Gary Wilbers’ new book, Cultivate Positive Culture: 10 Actions to Faithful Living here. 00:02 S2: Wondering how your mindset affects your life, how to bring more energy into your business in life, millions of people around the world ask these same […]

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You Don’t Always Have To Be Right

You are right all of the time. That’s a good thing, right?? What could go wrong if you are a leader who always knows they are right? Listen to Jen Thornton speak to Dr. Sheilds about what’s really going on. Transcript 00:00 S1: Today’s segment of sound farming is brought to you by Jimmy and […]

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The Talent Cliff And Psychological Safety

Are you an HR rebel? Listen to Jen Thornton talk about psychological safety with some of her favorite HR rebels. Listen Here Transcript 00:00 S1: I’m Kyle Roed, and this is the Rebel HR podcast. Welcome to the podcast as a podcast for HR professionals who are ready to make some disruption in the world […]

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Executive Hunger Games

What HR issues are keeping you up at night? Jen Thornton talks with Jada Willis about the executive Hunger Games we play that keep organization from seeing their full potential. Transcript 00:04 S2: So you are experiencing HR after dark, solving the people problems that he do up at night, we exist to make the […]

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Developing Employee Talent And Stronger Teams For Sustained Results

When companies miss their targets, lose momentum, and begin to struggle often it’s because they fail to build the right teams, have the right people running the right plays, and haven’t moved the C Suite conversations to the staff from a place of fear that triggers our built-in flight or fight response to one of […]

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